Thursday, October 14, 2010

True Love-Phil Wickham (with Matt Chandler & CJ Mahaney)

Here's another reminder that we are drawn to the beauty of the Savior, not driven to obedience to a moral code.


Anonymous said...

You might find the following blogs of interest about C.J. Mahaney and the group he leads, Sovereign Grace Ministries:

They tell another side. Hope this helps.

Unknown said...

Dear Anonymous,
I believe the post was about the undeserved love Jesus Christ shows us. How is it that you missed the point of that? Regardless of our views of certain men, someday, both of us will share eternity with people we vehemently disagreed with here on earth. Is it a light thing to obscure the grace of God found in Jesus because of our past hurts suffered? God forbid! This is about Jesus Christ and how He forgives...yes, even our pastors and leaders. I hope this helps you.