Saturday, November 16, 2013

There’s Enough for Everyone to Have Seconds!

Here’s my tribute to Thanksgiving.  It has nothing to do with pilgrims, turkeys, marshmallow creations or even giving thanks! Crazy. I know.  Here’s my spin.  Take a look at that wholesome scene with the mother leaning over the turkey.  It yells out abundance.  There will be plenty of turkey tonight, and the next day, and the next…
The point is when you sit at the table, you do not think things like, “skimpy, sparse, not enough for all.” Just the opposite, you think abundance and ‘dig right in!

Let’s shift gears a moment with a rather unpleasant and probably impolite topic that you most certainly wouldn’t bring up around that Norman Rockwell feast…jealousy and envy.  Can you imagine this conversation at the table?

What she said: “So, did you see the new car that our neighbors got? Pretty sweet ride. That guy has all the breaks! And he knows it too!”
What you heard: “ I deserve a new car. I work harder than him and at least I have the common sense to be humble about it.”

Oh, excuse me.  Did the truth just smack you up side the head?  Good. 

Why can’t we see someone’s abundance in life as something to celebrate instead of deflate?

Recently, a young friend made a comment to me.
“I’m so irritated.  All these people are getting engaged. It's so freakin’ annoying.”
Well, the truth is, there’s enough love and romance in the world to go around. 

It’s sad.  How much of our internal conversations are stuck on that track of thinking?
  Everything good happens to everyone else.

Of course hardship and setbacks come to all.  But what is really at the core of this thinking?  What feeds that cruel monster Envy? 
I suggest it is rooted in a belief system that is tied to two things.
  1. How you see God
  2. How you perform in life
If I see God as a player who “only loves you when you’re playin’” well then, good luck. You are stuck in a perpetual game of tag.  All is good when God is “it” but it really is disappointing when he tags you.  You come to the end of yourself pretty quickly. Trying to catch God’s approval is an exhausting game.  Some people spend all their lives and money in pursuit of it.

Instead consider a true and tested mindset.  God is generous in all ways.  His entire creation screams out, “Hey! I’m so abundant! Check out all that I have made.  Oh, and don’t forget, there is the unseen realm that you can’t see…at least yet!”  (a plug for one of my favorite books, More than Meets the Eye by Richard Swenson )
When we believe this truth, we are at our finest.  We are at our most glorious state.  It’s faith.  It’s believing that there is plenty of love, and wealth, and kindness, and honor and life to go around.  It’s showing up at the Thanksgiving table expectant, looking forward to the mashed potatoes and gravy. 

How much of our anger and irritations are seated in the fact that we just believe we deserve better and more?  Heaven help us when Mr. Perfect gets “blessed” and we feel overlooked.  If you are loved by God, He won’t disappoint you.  He’s not always trying to “test you” either as if you are in the perpetual school of life. Rubbish!  He actually enjoys you.  He gets a kick out of you.  So much so it causes Him to shout for joy and sing.  Check it out. Zephaniah 3:17. 

If you really, I mean really believed this, how would it change your opinion of Mr. Always-Gets-All-the-Breaks?  Would you feel jealous?  Would you want his new car? I think not.  It’s much like being in love.  You want to treat others with love when you are so saturated yourself. 

Being aware of God’s immense love and enjoyment of you is the remedy for jealousy.  Live your life fully.  Live it fully aware you are dearly loved and enjoyed.  Let others live their lives.   Be happy when happiness comes to them.  Remember, there is abundance at His Thanksgiving table.  He’s not holding back on you.  Don’t you hold back either.

“Hey, pass me the rutabagas…again!”

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