Monday, January 5, 2009


"It is a sign of mediocrity to show gratitude in moderation."

Let it not be said of us that we are mediocre. Help me with this girls.

1 comment:

Timber said...

Got your message on my blog - looks like we have several things in common! (I'm even reading "Uncle Tom's Cabin" right now, mainly because I was so impressed with another Stowe book, "The Pearl of Orr's Island." So overtly Christian - wonderful book!

I hope your brother does well here. If he's the one I think he is, he may not be too happy to be here yet, but Mike always give a little extra grace to the new guys to get their bearings!

If I can ever do anything for you, please let me know. Your blog and your "about me" section shine Christ, and I look forward to reading more!